Brodart Automation today announced their partnership with InfoVision Technology. As part of this business partnership, Brodart Automation will now offer the Library Management System, Amlib, to school, public, academic and special library customers and to future customers in the US and Canada.
Amlib is being touted as one of the most advanced and mature library automation systems currently available. This Australian developed product has over 150 installations of the exclusively Windows based product since 1994. Amlib provides libraries the following features: acquisitions, authority control, Z39.50 server, report generator, OPAC, item maintenance, web catalog, interlibrary loan, serials control, self-checkout, community information, and facility booking. These rich features combined with its sound history in the field, are the strength of the product.
For more information about Amlib, please contact Brodart Automation's Sales and Marketing Department by phone at 800-233-8467, extension 6581, e-mail at Finally, you can consult our online Amlib brochure, which can be found at the following address: or visit Brodart's Web site at