Piki area – which is a Finnish consortium consisting of 20 libraries around the area of Tampere – has signed an agreement with Axiell Kirjastot Oy to implement Axiell Arena.
It will be the first big area, where around 460.000 inhabitants In Finland will get access to the virtual library and a lot of new services provided by Axiell Arena.
"The virtual library is the solution for the future. It brings interactivity and helps us facilitating the use of the library," says Library Director of the Tampere Tuula Haavisto.
"Libraries have always played a central role in providing information to citizens. The role has continued also in the Internet age: where the libraries have been a spearhead in turning the library from being a bookhouse to modern information central, where use of the new information technology has been in front to the delight of the citizens. The next step is to provide citizens access to the virtual library with entirely new services, where interaction and knowledge sharing are handled in a modern way. We are thrilled with the Piki decision, and we look forward to seeing how the Piki libraries can position themselves with Axiell Arena and reach new library users.", Vice president in Ab Axiell Kirjastot Oy Seppo Lindström says.
Today we have more than 60 signed agreements on delivering Axiell Arena and 30 of these are with municipalities in Finland.