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Daniel Sweeney Joins LibLime as Senior Business Analyst

Press Release: LibLime [April 21, 2008]

ATHENS, OH--April 21, 2008--LibLime, the leader in open-source solutions for libraries, announced today that Daniel Sweeney has joined LibLime as Senior Business Analyst.

Daniel Sweeney comes to LibLime from Ex Libris (formerly Endeavor) where he spent the last 9 years in project management and business analyst roles. Previously, Dan worked as a librarian in academic libraries for five years. He has an MLS from State University of New York at Buffalo and an MS in Computer Science from DePaul University.

"I became a librarian because I believe that libraries form communities. Similarly, open-source software forms communities," says Dan. "It makes sense for libraries to be involved in building open-source solutions to provide services to their patrons. The open-source model can bring transparency and innovation to library systems and software."

Dan explains: "I came to LibLime because I think LibLime is committed to providing quality software and service to customers."

"As an analyst, Dan has experience defining specifications for all the modules of large library management systems, as well as products like electronic resource management systems and link resolvers," says LibLime's CEO Joshua Ferraro. "He's highly qualified for the large development projects we have on the horizon for academic libraries such as WALDO (Westchester Academic Library Directors Organization) and public libraries like Howard County Library (Maryland)."

About LibLime

LibLime is the global leader in open-source solutions for libraries, with a mission to make open source accessible to libraries. Rather than sell software licenses for static, hard-to-customize software products, LibLime educates libraries about the benefits of open source, enabling them to make choices about how best to provide their communities and staff with better technology services. LibLime then facilitates implementation of open-source in libraries by providing outstanding development, customization, support and training solutions--solutions tailored to each library's needs. For more information, see

View Citation
Publication Year:2008
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:April 21, 2008
Company: LibLime
Subject: Executive appointments
Record Number:13225
Last Update:2025-02-02 02:42:05
Date Created:2008-04-21 06:47:31