White Bear Lake, MN – December 2, 2005– Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN will implement a Tech Logic Automated Material Handling (AMH) sorting system.
The library's new sorting system will include a hands-free book drop, horizontal and vertical conveyors, computerized controllers, and "Smart Bin" storage containers. Tech Logic's conveyor systems include de-shingling capabilities to ensure that items don't cluster, while the AMH's Smart Bins have automated rising and lowering floors for easy loading and unloading.
The new AMH will function 24 hours a day, easing staff members' workload by sparing them the physical work of retrieving and moving books. It will convey items directly to the library's basement to save valuable public space on the library's main floor.
Tech Logic worked with Allen County Public Library's architectural firm to design a system that will smoothly integrate with the new main library. "Tech Logic's advanced conveyor technology enabled us to solve a very tricky design challenge at our new expanded and renovated main library," commented Library Director Jeffrey Krull. "Tech Logic was able to provide a sophisticated curbside book return system that will make our new facility much more convenient for our patrons, 24 hours a day."
Allen County Public Library began a county-wide library building project with bond financing approval in 2001. The project has included the renovation of existing branches and construction of new library branches to replace outgrown facilities. The renovation of the main library is expected to be complete late next year.
Allen County Public Library has 14 locations, including the main library. In 2004, the library circulated over 5 million items.
About Tech Logic
Tech Logic designs, manufactures, and installs state-of- the art book drops, automated conveyor delivery systems, inter-library distribution systems, and automated patron reserve systems, as well as RFID and barcode checkin and self-checkout systems. The company's material handling systems have revolutionized the way materials move throughout a library and its branches.