Ex Libris (USA) has announced the recent addition of the Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education to its customer base. The Union-PSCE has selected ALEPH 500? for its next generation library system and will combine that with MetaLib®/SFX® to provide a comprehensive portal for federated searching and reference linking services.
According to Dr. Milton “Joe” Coalter, who recently joined Union-PSCE as Library Director and Professor of Bibliography, “This is the second time in the last three years that I have had the opportunity to participate in the selection of a combined library management, portal, and linking system. In both cases we examined the options extensively and found Ex Libris the best at enhancing the efficiency of library functions and, perhaps more importantly, providing an online catalog/linking system that aided our patrons in discovering the full range of the library's resources (print and electronic) on a subject that they are researching. We are looking forward to bringing the Seminary's library right into the heart of 21st century information management in one technological leap.”
“We are seeing more and more seminary libraries turn to Ex Libris,” commented Susan M. Pastore, Vice President of Sales for Ex Libris, Inc. “With their international student bodies and requirements that their students learn Hebrew and Greek it is important that their library system truly support a multi-lingual, multi-script environment. Our continued success in this small theological library market proves that ALEPH 500, MetaLib, and SFX are accessible to all strata of the library community."
About the Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education (www.union-psce.edu)
The Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education is a theological education institution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) located in Richmond, Virginia. The William Smith Morton Library, completed in 1996, is a spacious facility built in keeping with Union-PSCE´s historic landmark campus. Its seminary library is one of the nation´s finest resources for studies in theology, Bible, and church history. The primary mission of the Library is to support instruction at the three institutions that comprise the Richmond Theological Consortium. These are the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University, and Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education. The library also participates in the Washington Theological Consortium, VIVA/VICULA, and the American Theological Library Association. The book collection numbers more than 300,000 volumes and grows at a rate of some 5500 volumes per year. The library receives more than 1300 periodicals and scholarly journals.
About Ex Libris
Ex Libris (www.exlibrisgroup.com) is a leading worldwide developer and provider of high-performance applications for libraries, information centers and researchers. ALEPH, the Ex Libris integrated library solution, has been installed at over 1250 sites and consortia in over 50 countries. MetaLib, the information portal for library collections, and SFX, the context-sensitive link server for heterogeneous electronic resources in the scholarly information environment, have been purchased by more than 700 institutions in 34 countries. DigiTool, a solution for constructing digital collections, and the new Verde Electronic Resource Management (ERM) system round out the Ex Libris product suite.