Toronto, Canada – June 20th, 2003 – BiblioMondo Inc., a leading provider of integrated solutions to the world's public, academic and special libraries, is pleased to announce worldwide availability of the complete line of Zones advanced library patron products and services for PortFolio customers. Zones provides an arsenal of search and personalization tools that form the basis of a comprehensive self-service solution for today's patron-centric libraries. ZONE-1, BiblioMondo's fully integrated library portal solution, and ZONEPro, the latest, platform independent meta-search and retrieval tool for power researchers, will be on display June 21st – 24th at this year's annual American Library Association Conference in Toronto, Canada.
“With the launch of ZONES on the PortFolio platform, BiblioMondo has delivered on its promise of providing next-generation front-end library technologies to customers of both its flagship platforms, Concerto and PortFolio,” said Yves Salembier, Vice President of R&D at BiblioMondo. “With one family of technologies integrated with two complex ILS systems, we have achieved what few in the library automation space have thought possible. With a steady flow of new functions and features for the second generation of Zones now in the works, we believe that we have hit on a truly open, non-proprietary approach to developing advanced library services.”
“We're pleased to have the opportunity to be working with some of today's most visionary libraries to show the unique power and potential of the Zones family of products,” said Ian Ferguson, President and CEO of BiblioMondo. “If you are looking at ways of bringing advanced meta-search to your organization, whether you are an existing PortFolio or Concerto customer, use another ILS system, or have no automation system at all, Zones provides a unique environment for the delivery of a broad range of search and retrieval capabilities that will truly bring your library into the future.”
About ZONE-1
Zone-1 is the first generation in the ZONES family of products, and represents a universal gateway to the world of Advanced Library Patron Services. A comprehensive self-service library system, Zone-1 delivers all of the functionality of the traditional OPAC, while integrating a powerful arsenal of interactive search and personalization tools that are totally unique. ZONES is remarkably patron-friendly, providing a balance of depth, and ease of use, that welcomes computer-shy and technology-savvy users alike. Zone-1 combines a patron-pleasing front-end, with an exceptionally flexible design, for a custom look and feel that becomes your library.
About ZONEPro
ZONEPro responds to the demand for a knowledge management solution that can be integrated with the complex back-end architecture of today's rapidly digitizing libraries and information organizations. A fully-functional, stand-alone research tool, ZONEPro provides aggregated access to the world's growing matrix of information sources including subscription news feeds and databases, local & Z39.50 catalogues, Intranets, shared drives & folders, Email servers and mailboxes, groupware and other knowledge management systems. BiblioMondo will be presenting the complete line of ZONES library products and services along with its newest version of the PortFolio ILS system at Booth # 3508 at the ALA in Toronto.
About BiblioMondo Inc.
Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, BiblioMondo provides Integrated Library Automation Solutions to the world's leading public, academic and special libraries, and consortia. With a network of 1400 libraries served by offices in Britain, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada and the United States, BiblioMondo brings its clients unparalleled global reach, powered by comprehensive local, multilingual support. Our web-centric, multi-platform family of products reaches an estimated 19 million users worldwide.